How can the “Halo Effect” help you lose weight?

I just read a very interesting study about the “Halo Effect” and how it’s helping people lose weight – without actually going on any specific diet or exercise program!

(Note: The Halo Effect works for just about EVERYTHING. So, if your goal is not just weight loss but going beyond to burn fat, build strength, detox, increase immunity, and boost energy, read on!)

You’ll learn more about Losing Weight with the Halo Effect soon enough. But first…


Here’s what’s in this update:

[+] Lose Weight with the Halo Effect

[+] My updates: FAST Weight Loss Masterclass. Bulletproofing my fitness. It’s raining lychee!

[+] Articles: Ketones for Weight Loss. Prebiotics for Weight Loss.

[+] Do you have COVID? (And what’s the “cure”?)

[+] What’s the SIMPLEST way to lose weight?

[+] How can you achieve your goals – FASTER?

[+] How do you reduce stress, increase immunity and improve weight loss?


Back to Losing Weight with the Halo Effect

Are you interested to learn how people achieve weight loss

without going on any diet or exercise program?


In a recent study, participants were able to lose weight by what’s called the “Halo Effect”…

If you haven’t heard of the Halo Effect, you may be thinking it’s some kind of magic pill or something.

It’s not. So what is it? It’s actually quite simple on the surface…


What is the “Halo Effect”?

“Halo effect is the tendency for positive impressions of a person, company, brand or product in one area to positively influence one’s opinion or feelings in other areas.” – Wikipedia

In the study, evidence suggests that, when people adopt lifestyle changes for weight management, members of their family change their behaviors as well — a phenomenon called the “halo effect”.

“The family members of the people in the intervention group lost weight at one year (−1.25 kg, so −2.76 lb) and two years (−3.98 kg, so −8.77 lb), while the family members of the people in the control group gained weight at one year (+3.30 kg, so +7.28 lb) and two years (+1.90 kg, so +4.19 lb). The between-group difference was statistically significant at two years, but not at one year.” –

The diet was generally a Mediterranean diet and it was noted that exercise did not change from baseline – meaning that the changes were due more to diet than exercise.

It’s interesting to note that several other studies have assessed the halo effect among the spouses of participants in weight-loss lifestyle interventions.

Put in other terms…


“You are the average of the 5 people with whom you spend the most time.”

This is what I teach all of my students – as part of a healthy environment. You can change your diet, activity, air, light, water, rest, and… you can even change your closest influencers (your friends and family)!


What am I up to?

We’re in the midst of the FAST Weight Loss Masterclass where students are becoming masters of fasting to achieve weight loss and beyond: burn fat, build strength, increase immunity, detox and boost energy. As usual I’ll be doing my own fasting experiments trying something new that I’ll share with you later!

I just signed up for the ATG program by the Knee Over Toes guy. It’s an online program that helps to bulletproof my joints to reduce injury, improve life-long mobility, as well as athletic performance (so maybe I can dunk a basketball again?!).

After a month away from home, the list of things to do both online and around the house continues to grow. We currently have an over-abundance of lychee fruit falling from our two giant lychee trees which keeps me more busy raking the fruit out of the yard than it does actually harvesting and eating them!


In the News

Here are some interesting studies and articles I’ve read recently that may interest you too…

The Downsides of Ketone Supplements

Do you supplement with exogenous ketones – or are you considering it – so that you can quickly get into ketosis?

If so, you may find it interesting that, based on a new study, blood markers for insulin, c-peptide, and CCK were higher with oral ketone consumption vs intravenous ketone consumption. The relative rise in these markers when ketones are taken orally MIGHT suggest that nutritional ketosis is superior to exogenous ketone supplementation.

Basically (and not surprisingly), this means that you get more of a typical digestive response when you take ketones orally that boost insulin, CCK and c-peptide.


So are exogenous ketone supplements good or bad?

This can be interpreted as a good or a bad thing – depending on how you look at it. Generally we think that we want to keep insulin low so, in this regard, the oral consumption of ketones seems bad.

However, CCK helps to tell our body that were full so that we stop eating. This seems like a good thing.

Furthermore, there were no differences in other gut hormones, appetite, or ad libitum food intake between conditions. So overall, we don’t know if oral consumption is better or worse.


What’s my take on ketones?

My best guess is that nutritional ketosis is likely superior to ketosis from supplementation. Why?

Simply because we don’t know all the effects when we isolate ketones and add them to the body. Thus I’ll generally take ketone supplements no more than once a week (or over the course of 1-3 days to get into ketosis faster when fasting for multiple days).


Do prebiotics help you lose weight?

In a word: No.

“In a recent study, prebiotic supplementation did not affect any of the anthropometric indices, but it did result in small improvements in tumor necrosis factor-alpha and C-reactive protein.” –

In other words, although prebiotics didn’t help with weight loss, they did show evidence of lowering inflammation and perhaps even reducing risk of cancer.


My Opinion on Prebiotics

I recommend these prebiotic supplements to many of my students and coaching clients. Why?

Although this study didn’t show weight loss benefits, I believe that, if you use them effectively (to increase satiety) you will get some weight loss benefits.


Do you have COVID? (And what’s the “cure”?)

Are you missing something?

Yes! You are missing something; that is if you haven’t read the last newsletter, click to learn more about supposed “cures” for C-19 – and much more!


What is the SIMPLEST way to lose weight?

Although keto is the latest diet trend, after years of personal experience, research, and working with many clients, I truly believe that fasting is the BEST approach to LOSE WEIGHT and achieve your health goals.

FAST Weight Loss Challenge
FAST Weight Loss Challenge

The problem is that people don’t understand how to make fasting work for them. They may do it in a harmful way that causes MORE health problems.

I’ll show you how to incorporate fasting in your life – in a way that’s simple, effective and healthy. If you want to finally achieve and maintain your weight loss goals, join the

5-day FAST Weight Loss Challenge

You can read and learn about the amazing benefits of fasting – and, when you work with Zen Strength, you can experience those benefits for yourself!

If you’re not ready to commit to the 5-day challenge, you can check out upcoming events and join our

FREE Fasting for Weight Loss Webinar


How can you achieve your goals – FASTER?

What if I told you there’s a way to not only clarify your challenges and life goals; but that you can achieve those goals MUCH faster?

Bulletproof Human Potential Coach

As a former Biohacker Tech at Bulletproof Upgrade Labs and a certified BULLETPROOF Human Potential Coach, I help people like you clarify and achieve their goals – and fast.

Discover how you can clarify your challenges and achieve your goals – FASTER


How do you reduce stress, increase immunity and improve weight loss?

Do you experience unwanted weight gain, anger, anxiety, pain, depression, grief, or stress?

How can you improve weight loss, increase immunity, improve relationships, process emotions, and better understand yourself, all while boosting creativity, confidence and happiness?


Breathwork. That’s right. You can use the simple power of your breath to improve your health and wellbeing when you

Join one of our LIVE Breathwork events


What about you?

What are your thoughts and experiences with the Halo Effect, Weight Loss, Prebiotics, Ketones and Fasting?

Leave a comment and let me know.

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About the Author Jason Ryer

Helping people cut through the B.S. to finally lose weight, keep it off and beyond for: fat loss, energy, strength and immunity... to reach their (super) human potential!

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