Bulletproof is a fad diet.
Yes, I said it. Why?
Well, for one it’s because I’ve heard others simply dismiss Bulletproof as a fad diet.
And I’m not sure if I can fully disagree.
At least it made me think deeper about the diet and why someone would say something like that.
Define “fad”
First, let’s look at the definition of “fad”:
an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object’s qualities; a craze.
When I think about it, this completely makes sense.
My enthusiasm for Bulletproof is intense. And it’s widely shared – with 274,030 likes on the Bulletproof Facebook page. Check. This is where I fully agree. But then, as you see, things seem to fall apart…
Is the Bulletproof Diet short-lived? Well, no; not yet, at least. It depends on what’s meant by short-lived. Certainly many people would agree that the Bulletproof Diet is relatively new. But to call it a fad isn’t something you can do factually – simply on the basis that it’s still going strong. And it’s been growing – as shown by Google Trends:

Is the Bulletproof Diet without basis in its qualities? This question is probably the most challenging to answer. I would say NO. But doubters of the Bulletproof Diet might say YES.
The basis for the Bulletproof Diet
So, what is the basis for the Bulletproof Diet, anyway?
Much of the diet comes from the experimentation and research done by its founder, Dave Asprey. There’s a lot to dive into here and, rather than going into the facts, first I want to share my personal story.
My Journey to Becoming Bulletproof
I joined a men’s group about 3 years ago. On the very first meeting, I talked a bit about my passions in life and some of my goals. Much of these revolved around health and fitness. At the time, I followed a mostly plant-based (vegetarian and vegan) diet.
The leader of the group told me to check out the Bulletproof Exec. As an avid podcast listener, I subscribed, started listening and never turned back.
Why? Simply put, this shit just made sense. Okay, not really. And that’s why I believed in it more. Let me explain…
Dave Asprey and his guests were talking about things that I didn’t really understand. The talks were beyond my level of understanding. They talked about cells, mitochondria, chemicals and hormones. They involved things like biology and chemistry – and of course biochemistry!
Asprey was looking at the bigger picture. He wasn’t just selling a diet. He was sharing a vision of improving our bodies, minds and our spirits. And not just improving – but optimizing them – with food, supplements, air, light, energy; while avoiding kryptonite or toxins in our food and environment.
That’s why it all made sense to me. And that’s why I’ve been a huge supporter of Bulletproof ever since.
Back to our question:
The basis for the Bulletproof Diet
Is there a basis for the qualities of the Bulletproof Diet? Yes – without a doubt.
Just what is the Bulletproof Diet anyway?
It’s a sort of ketogenic diet that recommends a drastic reduction in carbohydrate consumption that is replaced with a high amount of high quality fats. Essentially, it’s an easier (than strict ketogenic diets) way to get your body to switch from burning carbohydrates for fuel over to burning fat for fuel.
The benefits of burning fat for energy is that you’ll more readily burn fat stores on your body and, more important to me, you’ll have more energy and your brain will function better.
I think where people get hung up is on the amount of fat recommended – up to 70% of your caloric intake! However, this is simply a guideline. Everyone is different so you’re encouraged to experiment and find what works best for you.
The important takeaway for anyone who reads the book is that food quality matters. And how you prepare your food matters. Those were some things about the Bulletproof Diet that initially blew my mind:
- You are what they eat. Whatever animal you’re eating, you are essentially eating whatever that animal ate. Take a cow, for example. If I eat a typical factory-farm-raised cow that is immobilized in a feed lot and forced to eat genetically modified soy, corn and other grains that make it sick (so they then shoot it up with antibiotics), then that’s what I’m getting from the meat. If, on the other hand, I eat grass-fed, pastured beef, I’m much more likely getting quality meat.
- Don’t overcook your food. The typical “American” barbecue entails a fiery, hot grill that is charring the meat to a crisp. Sure, it may add some sweet flavor. But you’re also destroying the nutrients and adding carcinogens to your food. You’re generally better cooking your food lightly – if at all. If the food is clean and high quality, it often requires very little cooking and can often safely be eaten raw – in which case you get more of the nutrients.
If you’re still doubting, simply look at the Bulletproof Diet Roadmap where you’ll see most of the foods you eat there right in front of your eyes, along with where they fall in terms of their health quality.
Better yet, get your own copy of the Bulletproof Diet book.
Is the Bulletproof Diet simply a fad?
I think it’s obvious now where I stand. What about you? What do you think?