How do you set yourself up for success in 2021?
As 2020 comes to a close, you can do some key thinking and planning that will set you up for success (for Weight Loss, Health and Life) in 2021.
You’ll learn more about a successful 2021 soon enough. But first…
Here’s what’s in this update:
[+] 2021 Success
[+] The “Right” Amount of Fasting, Thanksgiving, Elephants and Grubs
[+] Reduce stress, increase immunity and feel amazing
[+] The SIMPLEST way to lose weight
[+] How to achieve your goals – faster
Back to 2021 Success…
What have you done to set yourself up for success in 2021?
As a long-time student of business success (and failure!), productivity, planning (and more recently working on mindset), I’m always looking at ways to improve – and I’d like to share just a few of my key takeaways with you so that you can start the year off on the right foot.
Although I focus on helping people with weight loss and health, these things can be applied to any and all aspects of life.
3 simple things to set yourself up for success:
- Reflect
- Envision
- Plan
1. Reflect on your Past
If you want to make meaningful changes in your life, it’s helpful to look back on the past and ask yourself:
What went well?
What could have gone better?
Using weight loss as an example, think about what worked well for you in 2020. Did certain foods, exercises, or sleep habits help you stay on track? Write these down. The more you can list the better. You should be able to come up with more than 10 things that went well.
What didn’t go so well? Where did you struggle in 2020? Often it’s easier to think of our struggles. List out 10 things that you struggled with during the year.
2. Envision your Ideal Future
This is the fun part. Assume that I wave a Magic Wand and that all of your struggles instantly disappear. Really. No struggles. Take a few moments to visualize it. Feel it. And ask yourself:
What does your life look like? How do you feel?
The deeper you go into this to make it your reality, the more benefit you’ll get from this simple yet effective practice.
With the example we’re following, you are at your ideal weight. What changes in your life when you can go beyond weight loss?
3. Plan your Year
Based on your vision of your ideal future, set a goal for next year.
For example: Your ideal weight.
With your ideal future in mind, think of the 3 main steps that will get you to your goal – and to your ideal future.
For example: (1) Eat healthy foods, (2) Exercise, and (3) Sleep well.
Start with the first step and break it down into 2 components:
- What does that mean to you? And
- How will you achieve this?
For example…
Component 1: What is a healthy diet?
As a Bulletproof Coach, I would recommend following the Bulletproof Diet.
Component 2: How do you follow a healthy diet?
This is where many people get stuck. They over-complicate things and self-sabotage by thinking about all the things stopping them from sticking to a healthy diet.
To get beyond this, write out things that you will do when your mind tells you it’s okay to eat whatever is not on your diet or part of your plan.
Some things that work for people are: (1) 1 free day per week eating foods that aren’t part of the diet. (2) Don’t buy foods that aren’t part of the diet. (3) Ask for support and accountability from others (ideally closest to you).
Schedule It
When will you start taking action toward your goal?
Because you have all year (and keeping in mind that many people fail because they try to do too much at the same time), you can focus initially on step 1 (diet for this first 3 months, eg), step 2 (exercise for the next 3 months, eg) and step 3 (sleep for the next 3 months, eg).
Write out your plan and then add it to your calendar with as much detail to your plan as necessary for your first step. When you get to the next step you can then write out a detail plan, and so on for following steps.
The “Right” Amount of Fasting, Thanksgiving, Elephants and Grubs
Are you missing something?
Yes! You are missing something; that is if you haven’t read the last newsletter, click to learn more about The “Right” Amount of Fasting, Thanksgiving, Elephants, Grubs – and much more!
How do you reduce stress, increase immunity and feel amazing?
Do you experience anger, anxiety, pain, depression, grief, or stress?
How can you increase immunity, improve relationships, process emotions, and better understand yourself, all while boosting creativity, confidence and happiness?
Breathwork. That’s right. You can use the simple power of your breath to improve your health and wellbeing when you join one of our live events…
Click to learn more about Breathwork + Ice Bath in Chiang Mai
[Online Breathwork Meditation schedule coming soon!]
What is the SIMPLEST way to lose weight?
Although keto is the latest diet trend, after years of personal experience, research, and working with many clients, I truly believe that fasting is the BEST approach to LOSE WEIGHT and achieve your health goals.

If you’re interested in learning the amazing benefits of fasting – and experiencing those benefits for yourself – I’m giving you a special promotional offer ($100 off) for my upcoming Fasting for Weight Loss Challenge.
To qualify for this discount, simply send me a message and let me know that you’re interested. We’ll set up a call to make sure you’re a good fit for the challenge and, if so, you’ll soon be on your way to weight loss – and lifelong health!
How can you achieve your goals – FASTER?
What if I told you there’s a way to not only clarify your challenges and life goals; but that you can achieve those goals MUCH faster?
As a former Biohacker Tech at Bulletproof Upgrade Labs and a certified Bulletproof Human Potential Coach, I help people like you clarify and achieve their goals – and fast.
If you’re interested in finding out more about how I can help you clarify and achieve your goals faster, send me a message so that we can set up a call to find out if you might be a good fit.
What about you?
What are your thoughts and experiences with setting yourself up for success – with weight, health and life?
Leave a comment and let me know.