Ever wondered if you could get the many benefits of fasting, like:

fat lossrejuvenationenergy

without the hunger pangs?

Man Enjoying Prolon 1 Day Reset

Well, you’re in luck, because that’s exactly what the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit promises.

[ > Click here to get your 10% discount using code ZEN10 < ]

But does it really work?

As a health coach and fasting enthusiast, I’ve put this innovative product to the test.

And let me tell you, the results were surprising.

Watch My Prolon 1 Day Reset Video Review

Want to see the Prolon 1 Day Reset in action?

I’ve created a detailed video review that walks you through my entire experience!

In this video, you’ll get:

  • A close-up look at what’s inside the Prolon 1 Day Reset kit
  • My honest reactions to each meal and snack
  • Real-time updates on how I felt throughout the day
  • A breakdown of my health metrics before and after the reset
  • My final thoughts on whether the Prolon 1 Day Reset is worth it

Check out the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Fasting Kit Review video here!

(If you found this video helpful, don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more content on fasting, health optimization, and diabetes management.)

Ready to try the Prolon 1 Day Reset for yourself?

Remember, you can get 10% off your purchase by using my code ZEN10 at checkout.

[ > Click here to get your 10% discount using code ZEN10 < ]

Why Should You Care About Fasting?

Before we dive into the Prolon 1 Day Reset, let’s talk about why fasting is such a hot topic.

Fasting isn’t just about losing weight (though that’s often a nice side effect).

It’s about giving your body a break from the constant work of digestion.

Think of it as a vacation for your cells.

During this “cellular vacation,” some pretty amazing things happen:

  • Your body starts cleaning up old, damaged cells (a process called autophagy)
  • Your metabolism gets a boost
  • Your brain function might improve
  • You could even slow down the aging process (yes, really!)

Sounds great, right?

But here’s the catch: traditional fasting can be tough.

Enter the Prolon 1 Day Reset

The Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit is like fasting with training wheels.

Prolon 1 Day Reset
Prolon Reset 1 Day Kit

It’s designed to give you many of the benefits of fasting, while still allowing you to eat.

Sounds too good to be true?

That’s what I thought too.

But after trying it myself and guiding clients through the process, I’m here to share the real deal.

My Personal Experience

Let me give you a sneak peek of what I experienced:

  • Weight: I lost 1 lb in just one day
  • Energy: My energy level went from a 7/10 to a 9/10 the day after
  • Mood: I felt more clear-headed and positive
  • Blood Sugar: My fasting blood glucose dropped from 117 mg/dL to 78 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure: It decreased from 114/64 to 92/64
  • Sleep: My sleep score improved from 84 to 91
  • Readiness: My readiness score jumped from 78 to 93
Oura Sleep Score AFTER Prolon 1 Day Reset

But that’s just scratching the surface.

What You’ll Learn in This Review

In this comprehensive review, we’ll cover:

  1. What exactly is the Prolon 1 Day Reset?
  2. The science behind fasting mimicking diets
  3. A detailed account of my day on the reset
  4. How it compares to other fasting methods
  5. Who should (and shouldn’t) try it
  6. Tips for getting the most out of your reset

By the end, you’ll know if the Prolon Reset 1 Day Kit is right for you.

So, are you ready to explore the world of “fasting with food”?

Let’s dive in!

What Is the Prolon 1 Day Reset?

Imagine getting the benefits of fasting while still eating delicious food.

That’s the promise of the Prolon Rest 1 Day Kit.

But what exactly is this “fasting with food” program?

The Basics of Prolon 1 Day Reset

The Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit is a scientifically designed, one-day fasting mimicking program.

It’s like a “lite” version of the popular Prolon 5 Day Fasting Mimicking Diet.

The goal?

To give your body a quick metabolic reset without the challenge of a full fast.

What’s in the Box?

When you open your Prolon 1 Day Reset kit, you’ll find everything you need for your day of “fasting with food”:

Prolon 1 Day Reset Menu
  • Breakfast: A tasty nut-based bar w/ herbal tea
  • Lunch: A vegetable soup mix w/ kale crackers
  • Snack: Olives w/ herbal tea
  • Dinner: Another soup mix w/ chocolate dessert
  • Supplements: Essential vitamins and minerals
  • Herbal teas: To keep you hydrated and satisfied

All told, you’re getting about 800 calories for the day.

That’s enough to keep you going, but low enough to trigger some fasting-like effects in your body.

The Science Behind Prolon 1 Day Reset

The Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit isn’t just another fad diet.

It’s based on decades of research by Dr. Valter Longo, a longevity expert at USC.

Dr. Longo found that carefully balanced, low-calorie nutrition can “trick” your body into a fasting state.

This can kick-start processes like autophagy (cellular clean-up) and increased metabolic.

As Dr. Longo puts it:

“Fasting with food is a breakthrough technology.”

How Does It Work?

The Prolon 1 Day Reset works by providing your body with specific nutrients in precise amounts.

This keeps your calories low while still giving your body essential nourishment.

The result?

Your body thinks it’s fasting, even though you’re eating.

Here’s what might happen in your body during the reset:

  1. Your insulin levels drop
  2. Your body starts to switch to fat-burning mode
  3. Your cells begin their clean-up process

And: Your gut gets a much needed break!

My Experience with the Reset

When I tried the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit, I was surprised by how easy it was to follow.

The food was tastier than I expected.

I didn’t feel starving, just a bit hungry at times.

But the real surprise came the next day.

I woke up feeling energized and clear-headed.

My Oura ring showed my readiness score had jumped from 78 to 93!

Oura Readiness Score AFTER Prolon 1 Day Reset

My fasting blood sugar had dropped from 117 mg/dL to 78 mg/dL.

Even my blood pressure was lower, going from 114/64 to 92/64.

Who Is Prolon 1 Day Reset For?

The Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit could be great for:

  • Fasting newbies who want to dip their toes in
  • Busy folks who can’t commit to longer fasts
  • Anyone looking for a quick metabolic reset
  • People considering the 5-day Prolon program

But remember, it’s not a magic pill.

It’s a tool that, when used correctly, can support your overall health journey.

Is It Worth It?

At $35 per kit, the Prolon 1 Day Reset isn’t cheap.

But considering the science behind it and the convenience factor, many find it worth the investment.

Plus, you can click here to save 10% off your Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit with my code: ZEN10.

In the next section, we’ll dive deeper into my personal experience with the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit.

You’ll get an hour-by-hour breakdown of what it’s really like to “fast with food”.

My Personal Experience with Prolon 1 Day Reset

Let’s dive into what it’s really like to use the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit.

I’ll take you through my day, hour by hour, so you know exactly what to expect.

Preparation: The Night Before

Preparation is key for a successful reset day.

I recommend a balanced dinner the night before, nothing too carb-heavy.

However, I went overboard with the carbs – including rice, sugar, coconut and sweet potato!

This likely made the reset a bit more challenging; yet I was surprised how easy it was overall.

I also set out my Prolon kit and planned my schedule for the next day:

My starting stats were:

  • Weight: 165.1 lbs
  • Blood Glucose: 117 mg/dL
  • Blood Pressure: 114/64
  • Energy Level: 7/10
  • Oura Ring Readiness Score: 78

Reset Day Morning

7:00 AM – Wake Up

I woke up feeling pretty normal, maybe a little hungry.

I measured my blood glucose: 96 mg/dL. Already down from last night!

My blood pressure was now 96/63.

8:00 AM – Breakfast

Time for the nut-based L-Bar and spearmint lemon herbal tea.

The bar was surprisingly tasty, reminded me of a nutty (yet soft) granola bar.

I took the Algal Oil Omega 3 supplements as I sipped the tea slowly, savoring each moment of “eating”.

10:30 AM – Mid-Morning Check

I noticed I was thinking about food more than usual.

But I wasn’t uncomfortably hungry, just aware that I hadn’t eaten much.

My energy was steady, I’d rate it at 8/10.

Reset Day Afternoon

12:00 PM – Lunch Time

Lunch was a Chickpea & Leeks Soup that I prepared easily by adding hot water.

Prolon 1 Day Reset Lunch Soup Crackers NR-1

It was flavorful and more satisfying than I expected.

I also had some kale crackers, which were surprisingly crunchy and satisfying.

And I popped the NR-1 vegetable powder pills (w/ vitamins and minerals).

I measured my blood glucose again just before lunch: 94 mg/dL.

3:00 PM – Afternoon Snack

Time for the olives!

These were surprisingly helpful to keep me going.

The salty, savory herbal flavor really helped curb my hunger.

I slowly sipped on the spearmint herbal tea through the afternoon.

Energy level holding steady at 7/10.

Reset Day Evening

6:00 PM – Dinner

Dinner was a Green Pea & Chives soup.

It felt good to have a warm, comforting meal at the end of the day.

I was definitely ready to eat by this point so the soup quickly disappeared!

Then I savored the small, yet delicious L-Bar Choco Crisp Bar.

Blood glucose before dinner: 98 mg/dL.

8:00 PM – Evening Reflection

As I wrapped up my reset day, I felt surprisingly good.

A bit tired, sure, but clear-headed and accomplished.

  • Blood glucose: 78 mg/dL. Wow, quite a drop!
  • My energy was about 6/10, lower but not crashed.
  • I measured my blood pressure: 92/64. Lower than this morning!

The Day After

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and energized.

Here were my stats:

  • Weight: 154 lbs (down 1 lb)
  • Blood Glucose: 78 mg/dL (down from 117!)
  • Blood Pressure: 92/64
  • Energy Level: 9/10 (later in the day)
  • Oura Ring Readiness Score: 93 (up from 78!)
  • Oura Ring Sleep Score: 91 (up from 84)

I was genuinely surprised by how good I felt – as I regained my energy throughout the day.

My mind was clear, my body felt light, and I had a sense of accomplishment.

Key Takeaways from My Experience

  1. The food was tastier and more satisfying than I expected.
  2. Hunger was present but manageable throughout the day.
  3. My energy levels remained relatively stable.
  4. The biggest benefits came the day after the reset.
  5. The improvements in blood glucose and blood pressure were impressive.

As Dr. Longo says,

“Fasting mimicking diets can promote health today and well into your later years.”

After my experience, I’m inclined to agree.

In the next section, we’ll compare the Prolon 1 Day Reset to other fasting methods.

Stay tuned to see how it stacks up!

How Does Prolon 1 Day Reset Compare to Other Fasting Methods?

You might be wondering:

“Is the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit really better than other fasting methods?”

Great question!

Let’s break it down.

We’ll compare it to water fasting, intermittent fasting, and the full 5-day Prolon program.

Prolon 1 Day Reset vs. Water Fasting

Water fasting is exactly what it sounds like: you only drink water for a set period.

It’s tough, but it can be effective.

Here’s how it stacks up against the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit:

AspectProlon 1 Day ResetWater Fasting
Hunger LevelsManageableOften intense
Energy LevelsStable (my energy went from 7/10 to 9/10)Can fluctuate wildly
Nutrient IntakeLimited but balancedNone

My experience: I found the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit much easier than water fasting.

I didn’t get the intense hunger or energy crashes I’ve experienced with water fasting.

Plus, my blood sugar stayed more stable, dropping from 117 mg/dL to 78 mg/dL over 24 hours.

Prolon 1 Day Reset vs. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting.

A popular method is the 16/8 approach: fast for 16 hours, eat within an 8-hour window.

Here’s how it compares to the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit:

AspectProlon 1 Day ResetIntermittent Fasting (16/8)
Duration24 hours16 hours daily
Calorie IntakeAbout 800 caloriesNormal calories, just time-restricted
ConvenienceVery convenient (all food provided)Requires meal planning
FlexibilityLess flexible (set menu)More flexible (choose your own foods)

My experience: Both methods have their place.

I found the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit gave me a more intense “reset” feeling.

My readiness score jumped from 78 to 93, which I rarely see with regular IF.

But IF is easier to do regularly as part of a lifestyle.

Prolon 1 Day Reset vs. 5-Day Prolon Program

The 5-Day Prolon program is the “big brother” of the 1 Day Reset.

It’s more intense but also promises more profound benefits.

Let’s see how they stack up:

AspectProlon 1 Day Reset5-Day Prolon Program
Duration1 day5 days
Weight LossMinimal (I lost 1 lb)More significant (often 5+ lbs)
Cellular BenefitsSomeMore pronounced
Commitment LevelLowHigh

My experience: The 1 Day Reset is a great “trial run” for the 5-day program.

It gives you a taste of the benefits without the full commitment.

I saw improvements in my energy, blood sugar, blood pressure, sleep and readiness – even with just one day.

So, Which One Should You Choose?

The best fasting method depends on your goals and lifestyle.

Here’s a quick guide:

  • Choose Prolon 1 Day Reset if: You want a quick metabolic reset or to try fasting with less commitment.
  • Choose Water Fasting if: You’re experienced with fasting and want intense autophagy benefits.
  • Choose Intermittent Fasting if: You want a sustainable daily practice for general health.
  • Choose the 5-Day Prolon Program if: You’re ready for a deeper health reset and more significant benefits.

Remember, it’s not about which method is “best”, but which one works best for you.

As Dr. Valter Longo says,

“The goal is to use fasting mimicking diets to help you live a longer and healthier life.”

In the next section, we’ll dive into who should (and shouldn’t) try the Prolon 1 Day Reset.

Stay tuned to see if it’s right for you!

Is the Prolon 1 Day Reset Right for You?

So, you’re intrigued by the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit.

But is it the right choice for you?

Let’s break it down.

Who Should Try the Prolon 1 Day Reset?

The Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit could be a great fit for several types of people.

Let’s see if you fall into any of these categories:

1. Fasting Newbies

Never fasted before? No problem!

The Prolon 1 Day Reset is like “Fasting 101”.

It’s a gentle introduction to the world of fasting.

You get to experience some benefits without the challenge of a water fast.

2. Busy Professionals

Got a packed schedule? Join the club!

The 1 Day Reset is perfect for those of us with busy lives.

It’s just one day, and all your meals are planned for you.

I saw my energy levels go from 7/10 to 9/10 the next day – perfect for tackling that to-do list!

3. Health Optimizers

Always looking for ways to boost your health? This one’s for you.

The Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit can give your body a quick tune-up.

My blood sugar dropped from 117 mg/dL to 78 mg/dL in just 24 hours!

4. Yo-Yo Dieters

Tired of restrictive diets that don’t stick? Try this instead.

The 1 Day Reset isn’t about long-term restriction.

It’s a short, manageable way to reset your relationship with food.

5. Prolon 5-Day Curious

Thinking about the full 5-day Prolon program? Start here.

The 1 Day Reset gives you a taste of what to expect.

It’s like a “trailer” for the full Prolon experience.

5. Men on Viagra

Low blood flow? Low sex drive?

The Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit might be better than that little blue pill!

At least, in my experience, I had a higher libido and noticed more “kick stands” during the night.

Who Should Skip the Prolon 1 Day Reset?

While the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit is great for many, it’s not for everyone.

Here are some groups who should think twice:

1. Pregnant or Nursing Women

Growing or feeding a baby? This isn’t the time for calorie restriction.

Your body needs consistent nutrition right now.

Save the fasting for later.

2. People with Certain Medical Conditions

Have diabetes, heart disease, or other chronic conditions? Check with your doc first.

Fasting can affect your meds and blood sugar.

Better safe than sorry!

3. Those with a History of Eating Disorders

Struggled with disordered eating? Tread carefully.

Any form of calorie restriction could be triggering.

Your mental health comes first.

4. Underweight Individuals

BMI already on the low side? This might not be for you.

The Prolon 1 Day Reset isn’t meant for weight loss if you’re already slim.

Focus on nourishing your body instead.

My Personal Take

As someone who’s tried various fasting methods, I found the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit surprisingly manageable.

It gave me a taste of fasting benefits without the struggle of a water fast.

My Oura ring readiness score jumped from 78 to 93 the next day (and I felt the difference w/ more energy)!

That said, it’s not a magic pill.

It’s a tool that, when used correctly, can support your health journey.

The Bottom Line

The Prolon 1 Day Reset could be a great option if you’re:

  • Curious about fasting but intimidated by longer fasts
  • Looking for a quick way to reset your metabolism
  • Interested in improving markers like blood sugar and blood pressure
  • Wanting to boost your energy and mental clarity

As Dr. Valter Longo says,

“Fasting mimicking diets are about giving your body a break to focus on repair and rejuvenation.”

If that sounds good to you, the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit might be worth a try.

Remember, always listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you’re unsure.

In the next section, we’ll share some tips to help you get the most out of your Prolon 1 Day Reset experience.

Stay tuned to learn how to maximize your results!

How to Get the Most Out of Your Prolon 1 Day Reset

Ready to give the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit a try?

Great! Let’s make sure you knock it out of the park.

Here are my top tips for success, based on my personal experience and feedback from clients.

Before Your Reset Day

Preparation is key to a successful reset.

Here’s what to do in the days leading up to your Prolon 1 Day Reset:

1. Gradually Reduce Calories

Don’t go from feast to fast! (Like I did – doh!)

Start reducing your calorie intake a few days before.

This helps your body ease into the lower-calorie reset day.

2. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Water is your best friend during any kind of fast.

But it’s not just the water.

You need hydrating water – with electrolytes or just add a pinch of quality salt.

3. Cut Back on Caffeine

Caffeine withdrawal is no joke.

Gradually reduce your caffeine intake in the days leading up.

Your body will thank you on reset day.

During Your Reset Day

It’s go time! Here’s how to make your reset day as smooth as possible:

1. Stick to the Schedule

Prolon provides a schedule for a reason.

Follow it as closely as you can.

It’s designed to keep your energy stable throughout the day.

2. Stay Busy (But Not Too Busy)

Distraction can be helpful when fasting.

Plan some light activities to keep your mind off food.

But don’t overdo it – remember, your energy might be lower than usual.

3. Listen to Your Body

Feeling dizzy or extremely fatigued? That’s not normal.

Don’t hesitate to eat something if you’re feeling unwell.

Safety first!

4. Savor Every Bite

With limited food, make every bite count.

Eat slowly and mindfully.

Really taste and appreciate each morsel.

After Your Reset Day

Congrats, you did it! Now let’s make sure those benefits stick:

1. Ease Back Into Normal Eating

Don’t go straight for a big, heavy meal.

Start with light, easily digestible foods. (I prefer beef.)

Gradually increase portion sizes over the next day or two.

2. Pay Attention to How You Feel

Notice any changes in energy, mental clarity, or digestion.

I felt a significant energy boost, from 7/10 to 9/10!

These observations can guide your future health decisions.

3. Consider Regular Resets

Many people find benefits from doing regular resets.

Consider incorporating the 1 Day Reset into your monthly routine.

Always listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional.

Bonus Tips for Success

Here are a few extra pointers to supercharge your reset:

  • Track Your Metrics: Measure things like weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar before and after. I saw my blood pressure drop from 114/64 to 92/64!
  • Get Enough Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours the night before and after your reset. My sleep score improved from 84 to 91!
  • Stay Positive: Remember, it’s just one day. Keep your eye on the potential benefits.
  • Plan Your Meals: Know what you’ll eat when you break your fast. This prevents impulsive food choices.

A Word from Dr. Longo

As Dr. Valter Longo, the creator of Prolon, says:

“The key to a successful fasting mimicking diet is to see it not as a quick fix, but as part of a longer-term strategy for health and longevity.”

Keep this in mind as you approach your Prolon 1 Day Reset.

It’s not just about one day – it’s about kickstarting healthier habits.

Wrapping Up

Remember, everyone’s experience with fasting is unique.

What works for one person might not work for another.

The key is to listen to your body and adjust as needed.

With these tips, you’re well-equipped to make the most of your Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit.

In our next section, we’ll tackle some frequently asked questions about the Prolon 1 Day Reset.

Stay tuned to get all your burning questions answered!

Frequently Asked Questions About the Prolon 1 Day Reset

Still have questions about the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit?

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

Let’s tackle some of the most common questions I get about this product.

1. Is the Prolon 1 Day Reset safe?

For most healthy adults, yes, the Prolon 1 Day Reset is safe.

It’s designed by scientists to mimic fasting while providing essential nutrients.

However, always consult with your doctor before starting any new diet program.

This is especially important if you have any pre-existing health conditions.

2. Will I feel hungry during the reset?

You might feel some hunger, but it’s usually manageable.

The carefully designed meal plan helps keep hunger at bay.

In my experience, I felt slight hunger but nothing extreme.

Remember, mild hunger can be a normal part of the fasting process.

3. Can I exercise during the Prolon 1 Day Reset?

Light exercise is okay, but avoid intense workouts.

Your energy levels might be lower than usual.

I stuck to mostly walking along with some light calisthenics and felt fine.

Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard.

4. How much weight can I expect to lose?

The 1 Day Reset isn’t primarily for weight loss.

I lost about 1 lb, but everyone’s results may vary.

It’s more about metabolic benefits than rapid weight loss.

For significant weight loss, consider the 5-day Prolon program.

5. Can I drink coffee or tea during the reset?

The Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit comes with herbal teas you can drink.

It’s best to avoid coffee and other caffeinated beverages.

Stick to water and the provided teas for best results.

This helps maximize the fasting-mimicking effects.

6. How often can I do the Prolon 1 Day Reset?

You can do the 1 Day Reset up to 8 times a month (using it as part of a 5:2 diet, eg).

Some people incorporate it into their routine every week.

Listen to your body and don’t overdo it.

Consult with an expert for personalized advice.

7. Will the Prolon 1 Day Reset interfere with my medications?

It might, depending on your specific medications.

Always consult with your doctor before starting the reset.

This is especially important for diabetes medications.

Your doctor may need to adjust your medication schedule.

8. What if I feel unwell during the reset?

If you feel seriously unwell, stop the reset immediately.

Mild discomfort can be normal, but severe symptoms are not.

Eat something if you feel dizzy, extremely fatigued, or nauseous.

Your health and safety come first.

9. Can I customize the meals in the Prolon 1 Day Reset?

It’s best to stick to the provided meals.

They’re carefully formulated to provide specific nutrients.

Changing the meals could alter the fasting-mimicking effects.

If you have dietary restrictions, consult with Prolon before purchasing.

10. How does the 1 Day Reset compare to the 5 Day program?

The 1 Day Reset is a shorter, less intense version.

It’s a great introduction to fasting-mimicking diets.

The 5 Day program may offer more profound benefits.

I saw improvements even with the 1 Day Reset – my readiness score went from 78 to 93!

11. Is the Prolon 1 Day Reset worth the cost?

At $35, it’s not the cheapest meal plan out there.

But you’re paying for scientifically designed, convenient nutrition.

Plus, you can click here to save 10% off your Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit with my code ZEN10.

For me, the benefits in energy and focus were worth it.

12. What happens after the reset day?

The day after, you ideally maintain healthy eating habits.

Start with lighter meals and gradually return to your usual diet.

Many people, including myself, report feeling energized the next day.

Use this boost to kickstart healthier eating habits!

Final Thoughts

Remember, everyone’s experience with the Prolon 1 Day Reset may be different.

What works for one person might not work the same for another.

Always listen to your body and consult with healthcare professionals when needed.

As Dr. Longo says,

“Fasting mimicking diets are tools for health, not miracles.”

Use the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit as part of a broader strategy for health and longevity.

Have more questions?

Feel free to ask in the comments below!

In our final section, we’ll wrap up with some closing thoughts on the Prolon 1 Day Reset.

Stay tuned for my final verdict!

Prolon 1 Day Reset: The Final Verdict

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this Prolon 1 Day Reset review.

Let’s wrap it all up and get to the bottom line.

Key Takeaways

Here’s a quick recap of what we’ve learned:

  • The Prolon 1 Day Reset is a scientifically designed, one-day fasting mimicking program.
  • It aims to provide many of the benefits of fasting while still allowing you to eat.
  • The program includes carefully portioned meals and snacks for one full day.
  • It’s easier than water fasting but may offer more benefits than regular intermittent fasting.
  • My personal experience showed improvements in energy, blood sugar, and blood pressure.

The Pros

Let’s start with what I loved about the Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit:

  1. Convenience: Everything you need for the day is provided. No meal prep required!
  2. Science-backed: Developed by longevity expert Dr. Valter Longo and his team.
  3. Manageable: It’s just one day, making it accessible for fasting newbies.
  4. Noticeable benefits: I saw improvements in my metrics, like my readiness score jumping from 78 to 93.
  5. Tasty food: The meals were more enjoyable than I expected, especially those olives!

The Cons

To be fair, let’s look at some potential drawbacks:

  1. Cost: At $35 for one day of food, it’s pricier than your average meals.
  2. Limited customization: You need to stick to the provided meals for best results.
  3. Mild hunger: You might feel some hunger, though it’s usually manageable.
  4. Not for everyone: It’s not suitable for pregnant women, some medical conditions, or underweight individuals.

Who Should Try It?

The Prolon 1 Day Reset could be great for:

  • Fasting curious individuals who want an easy introduction
  • Busy professionals looking for a quick metabolic reset
  • Health optimizers interested in potential longevity benefits
  • Those considering the 5-day Prolon program but want to start small

The Bottom Line

After trying the Prolon 1 Day Reset myself, I’m impressed.

It offers a taste of fasting benefits without the struggle of a water fast.

The improvements I saw in my energy levels, blood sugar, and blood pressure were noteworthy.

My blood glucose dropped from 117 mg/dL to 78 mg/dL in just 24 hours!

And my Oura ring readiness score jumped from 78 to 93 the next day.

While it’s not a magic bullet for weight loss or health, it’s a valuable tool in the wellness toolkit.

Is It Worth It?

In my opinion, yes, the Prolon 1 Day Reset is worth trying.

It’s a convenient, science-backed way to dip your toes into the world of fasting mimicking diets.

The potential benefits in energy, focus, and metabolic health make it a worthwhile investment.

Plus, you can click here to save 10% with my code ZEN10, making it a bit more budget-friendly.

Final Thoughts

Remember, the Prolon 1 Day Reset is a tool, not a miracle cure.

It works best as part of a broader strategy for health and longevity.

As Dr. Longo says,

“The goal is to use fasting mimicking diets to help you live a longer and healthier life.”

Always listen to your body and consult with healthcare professionals when needed.

Ready to Try It?

If you’re intrigued by the Prolon 1 Day Reset, why not give it a shot?

You can order your Prolon ReSet 1 Day Kit directly from the Prolon website using this link.

Don’t forget to use the code ZEN10 at checkout to get your 10% discount!

Have you tried the Prolon 1 Day Reset?

I’d love to hear about your experience.

Drop a comment below or reach out to me directly.

Here’s to your health and longevity journey!

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About the Author Jason Ryer

Helping people cut through the B.S. to finally lose weight, keep it off and beyond for: fat loss, energy, strength and immunity... to reach their (super) human potential!

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