Where did this Gaia Ashram place come from in the first place?
In the last article you learned about the Gaia routine.
In this article you’ll quickly learn about the brief history of Gaia.

One afternoon we sat in the Sala with Om where she shared about the history of Gaia. I remember her saying that it’s been going now for five years and has been steadily growing. They have taken on volunteers pretty much since the beginning. Before they had any buildings, they all lived in tents – for I think about a year. They struggle with finding ways to make money – by selling their produce and products, as well as their courses. I wanted to ask about how volunteering played into the finances overall but forgot.

Om is from Thailand and had traveled around to different parts of the world while leaning about spirituality, ecoliving and permaculture. Her family owns the land where Gaia sits with a focus on growing and selling organic rice. Unfortunately they’re also trying to produce soy beans. They also have ducks and chickens.
Tom is from Holland and met Om during their travels. It seems that they had a lot to share and a lot in common, fell in love and are now living happily ever after at Gaia with their family and the other volunteers and workers who come and go at Gaia.
Another evening a week or so later Om and Tom shared a bit more about their story / history at Gaia. For me it’s fascinating to hear how people are inspired to start and advance such alternative life-changing projects.
In the next article you’ll learn what it means to “do away with away”…