Calling All Middle-Aged Men

Don't Let Diabetes Dictate Your Legacy

10 "Defeat Diabetes" Consults Available This Month
[1 hour free = $250 value]

Gentlemen, let's get real for a moment. We're often told to 'man up' and handle things. But when it comes to diabetes, the stakes are incredibly high. It's not just about daily management; it's about the future you're carving out for yourself and your loved ones.

The Battles Ahead

If we don't act, diabetes doesn’t just affect our sugar levels. It threatens to rob us of some of our most precious moments and experiences:

  • Seeing your child graduate, marry, or start a family because you died at 50.
  • Battling not just with diabetes, but with cancer too.
  • Watching memories fade, loved ones become strangers because of dementia.
  • Facing the aftermath of a debilitating stroke.
  • Feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders, sinking into depression.
  • Hearing the doctor diagnose you with heart issues.
  • Realizing your lineage might end with you due to low fertility.
  • Feeling vulnerable, unable to protect your family as you once could.
  • Missing out on playful, joy-filled moments, being too tired to play with your kids.

Fight Back with Knowledge and Action

This is the harsh reality, a battleground where every sugar-laden temptation is a mine, and conventional healthcare feels like an outdated map. But what if I told you there's a covert mission to turn the tide in your favor?

Enter the Diabetes Consult Mission: a one-hour strategic debrief designed not just to manage—but to DEFEAT—your diabetes. Your weapons? Customized diet strategies, exercise intelligence, and the secret weapon—mindset mastery.

What's at stake?

  • An insidious slide into dependency on prescriptions that strip away your sense of self-reliance.
  • A body that no longer feels like it belongs to you, plagued by unexplained aches and exhaustion.
  • A mind haunted by the "what-ifs" of health gone rogue, while the joy of life seems to slip through your fingers.

Introducing the 1-hour Defeat Diabetes Consult

This is no ordinary coaching session. Your life transformation:

  1. 1
    Commanding Control: Seize the reigns of your health, steering clear from the perils of diabetes to a life of empowered well-being.
  2. 2
    Energized Existence: Ignite a zest for life with renewed energy, diminishing the need for meds and rediscovering youthful vigor.
  3. 3
    Strategic Victory: Master the art of war against diabetes with a personalized battle plan that delivers triumph over disease and decay.

And here's what you'll do on your Diabetes Defeat Consult:

  1. 4
    Reconnaissance Review: Uncover your diabetes-related challenges and define your victory goals for a vibrant, ideal life beyond diabetes.
  2. 5
    Battle-Tested Tactics: Receive actionable, custom-tailored advice and lifestyle adjustments that have fortified others' health defenses, including my father's post-50 resurgence.
  3. 6
    Strategic Blueprint: Gain a personalized action plan crafted from exhaustive research and personal victory over pre-diabetes, ensuring you have a trusted ally in this fight.

This mission is about transforming "stuck" into "strategic retreat" and "defeated" into "dominating the battlefield." It's about harnessing the power of lifestyle tactics that fire up your energy and defeat diabetes.

Meet Your Diabetes Coach and Ally:
 Jason Ryer, MBA

As your Diabetes Coach and guide, I bring a multi-faceted arsenal of certifications in Breath Coaching, Bulletproof Human Potential Coaching, and an MBA to the table. My mission is to empower you with a comprehensive strategy for health and mental resilience. Having championed the journeys of thousands towards their peak well-being, I stand ready to steer you towards yours. It's time for your breakthrough.

Your Future Testimonial Awaits:

Gov Bhandari

I recently had the pleasure of participating in a Jedi Mindset Mastery session, and the experience was nothing short of transformative. The session provided a serene space to delve into a mindful exploration of health and wellness. The strategies imparted were insightful and easy to integrate into daily life, making the journey towards better health feel attainable and enjoyable. The blend of mental clarity and physical wellness tips provided a holistic approach that I found to be very beneficial. I would highly recommend the Jedi Mindset Mastery session to anyone looking to enhance their overall well-being.

Steven Law

Good experience for learning more about yourself, and potentially identify/remove persisting obstacles in the inner world. No guarantee, but worth a try if you feel stuck

Your Name Here

Imagine your story here—triumphant, transformative, and inspiring.

Be one of the lucky 10 this month to transition from searching - to finding the solution!

Click the button below to schedule your
FREE Defeat Diabetes Consult now!

Ready for a Real Change?

Secure Your Spot Now for This Limited-Time Life-Changing Experience!

Your Briefing Awaits

Ready to don your armor and join the ranks of those who've turned their health prognosis from critical to triumphant? Click the "Apply Now" button to enlist in your one-hour Diabetes Consult Mission. Spaces are reserved for the brave few ready to combat their diagnosis head-on.

Will you be one of the ten to claim victory this month? Your new lease on life is waiting.

APPLY NOW for a consult that transcends the battlefield of diabetes, where the spoils of war are a life reclaimed and a legacy secured. It's not just a fight; it's a conquest.

Are you prepared to command your health like a general? Secure your strategy session now. Because in this war on diabetes, surrender is not an option.

Imagine the Possibilities

Defeat your diabetes, conquer your cravings, and live a life unbounded.

Don't Miss Your Chance:

Why let diabetes control your life when you can command it like a Jedi?

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

  • How quickly can I expect to see results?
    Many report big benefits (pain relief, energy, calm, sense of control) after our first consult. (Of course results vary based on individual conditions and the effort put into practice.)
  • Is this only for those who are already diagnosed with diabetes?
    It's geared towards pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, as well as those at risk or seeking preventive strategies.
  • Will this work for me and my unique situation?
    YES! That's why we have a real, live conversation: to understand you, your situation, your problems, your goals, and come up with solutions that work for you.

  • Is this approved by health professionals?
    I work with medical doctors and other health professionals. This is based on sound health coaching principles and is intended to complement professional medical advice, not replace it.

  • Will this work with my current medication plan?
    Yes! Our strategies are designed to complement your medical regimen, not replace it. We'll work with medical doctors (yours and/or mine) to make sure you get the medications they prescribe.

  • I've tried many diets and programs before; how is this different?
    Unlike one-size-fits-all solutions, we focus on a personalized approach that includes Jedi Mindset Mastery and breathwork techniques to tackle the root causes of unhealthy habits.

  • Do I need to have experience with breathwork or meditation?
    No prior experience is necessary. This is designed to guide beginners and enhance the practice of those already familiar with such techniques.

  • How much time will I need to commit?
    Apart from our 1-hour consultation, you'll receive actionable steps that can be integrated into your daily routine without overwhelming you.

  • Is this just another weight-loss program?
    No - While weight management is a key component, we aim for overall health improvement, which includes blood sugar control, stress reduction, and reversing diabetes-related symptoms.

  • Can I get a refund if I'm not satisfied?
    No - because it's FREE! Regardless, I strive for your complete satisfaction. If you're not happy with the initial consultation, let's discuss how we can make it right.

  • Will this help with symptoms like neuropathy and vision problems?
    Yes! While individual results vary, our holistic approach is aimed at improving various diabetes problems by addressing overall health.

  • Is this suitable for those with Type 1 diabetes as well?
    Yes! This is primarily designed for Type 2 diabetes management, but many principles apply to overall health and can benefit Type 1 diabetes as well.

  • Can I do this if I'm not a middle aged man?  
    YES! Although I'm focusing on helping middle age men defeat diabetes, I work with all ages - and women too!
  • How does Jedi Mindset Mastery specifically cater to diabetes management?
    It targets the subconscious patterns that often lead to unhealthy eating and lifestyle habits, which are significant factors in diabetes management.
  • What support will I have access to after the initial consultation?
    I offer ongoing support through various channels, including follow-up sessions, community groups, and educational materials.
  • I have dietary restrictions. Can you accommodate this?
    Absolutely. I tailor dietary recommendations to accommodate allergies, intolerances, and other restrictions.
  • What makes your coaching approach "bulletproof"?
    "Bulletproof" in our context means making your health resilient against setbacks. It's about fortifying your body and mind to handle challenges effectively.
  • I've read about the benefits of intermittent fasting. Will that be part of my plan?
    We explore various dietary strategies, including intermittent fasting, to find the most suitable approach for your lifestyle and health goals.
  • Will you be covering exercise and physical activity?
    Yes! Physical activity is a key component of diabetes management, and we'll work together to find forms of exercise that you enjoy and can sustain long-term.

Embark on your transformational journey today. *

 * Once these 10 free spots are filled, we're focusing solely on our paying clients.
Secure your spot—especially if you're committed to defeating diabetes the smart way.